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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Marketing To Millennials (Generation Y)

Learn about millennials and how to successfully sell to them using tailored campaigns and methods.

With so many generational phrases being thrown around, it might be challenging to identify who is who in the zoo.

Well, baby boomers aren’t too difficult.

While strictly referring to anyone born between 1946 and 1964, the term “boomer” is now used to disparage antiquated and stereotyped beliefs: “All right, boomer!”

But there are certain differences between Gen Z and millennials.

Although they are both young adults who were born in the digital era, millennials and Gen Z are not the same. However, a lot of marketers make the error of executing a single campaign that targets both.

It is becoming more common to market to Generation Z, but how exactly should we market to millennials? Let’s look at it.

Who Are Millennials?

Before launching marketing initiatives specifically aimed at millennials, we must first comprehend who they are.

Although the dates do vary significantly amongst sources, the following characteristics of each generation are universally accepted:

  • Baby boomers: 1946-1964.
  • Generation X: 1965-1980.
  • Millennials: 1981-1996.
  • Generation Z: 1997-2012.

Why is “millennials” used?

because the majority of millennials reached adulthood in the year 2000. The youngest millennials are currently 27, while the oldest are 42.

Millennials are the largest generation in the US (as of 2022), and their predicted size of 72.24 million people demonstrates how significant they are to the world economy.

An estimated $1 trillion is the direct purchasing power of millennials.

This means that if you don’t have a dedicated marketing plan for millennials, you’re missing out.

What Millennial Consumers Value Most
So, while developing marketing campaigns for millennials, what information is most crucial to know?

The Millennial generation conducts research before making purchases.

They resist being persuaded by persuasive advertising. Instead, they rely on social media sites, internet reviews, and recommendations from friends and family.

They enjoy expressing their thoughts, and they also seek out those of others.

So, if your brand isn’t getting enough word-of-mouth exposure, take that into account.

They put experiences first.
You do realize that life is more than just making purchases?

At least, that’s what millennials believe, with 57% saying they prioritize traveling more than things like making a good living, getting a house, or having kids.

This demonstrates how much more highly millennials value experiences than things.

Your millennial audience will feel more connected to you if you can include an immersive component in your marketing initiatives.

They’re Digital Natives

Nine out of ten millennials own a smartphone, and almost all of them use the internet, according to research from the Pew Research Center.

This entails quick, reliable web connection, frequently through mobile devices.

Therefore, your chances of reaching millennial consumers are significantly improved if you can sell your brand through technology and digital channels.

They Value Authenticity

Millennials, or Generation Y, expect more from their brands than just a passing allusion.

Instead, consumers want brands to connect with people, comprehend them, and develop meaningful relationships with them.

Authenticity is key—something that cannot be faked.

This calls for openness and transparency on your part with your intended audience. Additionally, you must be motivated and open to sharing your goals.

Your engagement with millennials will be more fruitful the more you can engage them on a human level.

Creating A Marketing Strategy For Millennial Customers

According to research, compared to baby boomers and Gen X, millennials spend the least amount of time watching television and listening to the radio.

They also represent the smallest percentage of magazine and newspaper readers.

So how do you market to them?

Be Authentic

That word is used over again.

Let’s discuss numbers now. “Digital socialites”—those who frequently interact online—make up 26% of the millennial population.

23% of respondents use streaming services and video content, making them dynamic media addicts.

Then there are the 15% who make up the digital elite and are very powerful on social media and other online platforms.

This means that if you want to connect with millennials, you need to approach them online.

Additionally, it must be genuine and true enough to cut through the daily barrage of hundreds of other brand messages to reach them.

That is due to the fact that millennials do more than just passively browse, like, and share. They are interacting with businesses and individuals whose values and interests they admire.

And one of them needs to be your own brand.

You can establish a meaningful, genuine, and long-lasting relationship with millennials if you can communicate with them in a way they can relate to and trust.

Look Past Stereotypes

Millennials are frequently stereotyped as superficial and driven by self-validation and social media.

They do, however, strongly believe in a number of fundamental principles, including feminism, environmental sustainability, and anti-racism.

And 37% of millennials are eager to support goods and services that have a purpose, even if it means spending more money, in order to support a cause.

Therefore, stop embracing outdated preconceptions about millennials and start embracing their beliefs. They will support you in return if you can demonstrate your support for their beliefs.

Leverage Social Media Marketing

It’s crucial to keep in mind that you must tailor your social media advertising to the appropriate platform.

It makes no sense to run the same ad across these and other social media platforms because Instagram viewers differ from TikTok and Facebook audiences.

As an alternative, you must target your messaging to each audience while keeping factors like the following in mind:

Go mobile: Since millennials use their cellphones for an average of 211 minutes each day, mobile marketing is essential.

Producing visual content: Don’t rely on text alone. Videos, images, and other types of media can be included in marketing content, which can help you connect even more successfully.

Utilize user-generated material. Millennials value other people’s opinions, so incorporate testimonials, reviews, and images that have included your brand into your social media campaign. It will increase your exposure and reputation while also saving you money.

Think About Influencer Marketing

Reach is the one thing that online influencers do have.

Working with them will therefore enable you to reach a larger youthful audience with your message.

We already know that the millennial generation prefers genuine viewpoints and uncommon experiences.

So why not incorporate influencer marketing into one of these?

With the use of a real, dependable voice, you’ll be able to expand your audience and increase engagement.

You’ll have another channel to express your messaging and personality—just be sure to pick the appropriate influencer for your brand.

Building Trust With Millennial Consumers

Building trust is the foundation of brand loyalty.

What steps should you take to introduce it to your intended audience?

Along with connecting with them authentically, take into account these advice:

  1. Be Open-Minded
    Don’t be silent about anything.

Prioritize environmental sustainability and responsibility while being transparent about your brand.

Let your customers know how and when you intend to use their data if you collect it.

Tell the truth at all costs.

  1. Be Particular
    However, social media is not the only available marketing tool for millennials.

In fact, 56% of millennials said they would switch brands for a different one that caters to their demands.

Therefore, you’ll put yourself in a good position for success if you can provide this level of adaptability and customization.

  1. Look for a way to make their lives better
    Sell them no old junk; millennials are considerably more intelligent than that.

Instead, they consider the benefits that brands can provide and ask, “What’s in it for me?”

If you approach your marketing with this in mind, it’ll deliver the message you want it to.

How To Market To Millennials Effectively
Up until today, the market known as Generation Y has been mostly misunderstood.

Although some people may have preconceived notions about millennials, they are vital to our global economy.

In addition to making up 25% of the population, they also have a sizable amount of purchasing power.

And what will give you the advantage is your ability to harness this.

If you can successfully sell to millennials, you’ll have lifelong customers and brand loyalty.

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