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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Making the Most of Your Tools With Generative AI And SEO Strategy

Examine the State of SEO report’s results for enlightening viewpoints on how generative AI will affect SEO.

Our latest State of SEO study offers information on how SEO experts are responding to the development of generative AI tools that can generate written content.

In order to understand how developing generative AI technologies can affect business strategies both now and in the future, the report polled SEO experts.

Although opinions on the potential repercussions vary, the poll discovered that the majority of SEO specialists think generative AI would have at least some impact – but also presents opportunities.

The paper examines attitudes based on team size and experience level. It examines which SEO chores respondents to the survey are most interested in using AI to automate.

Additionally, this paper addresses possible hazards and restrictions that should be considered about over-reliance on generative AI tools for content generation.

Finally, we forecast possible future developments in SEO methods as the use of AI-generated content increases.

The Impact Of Generative AI On SEO Strategies

There are differing views on how generative AI will impact search engine optimization (SEO).

Most SEO experts (81,5%) who responded to our study say that generative AI has already had some impact on their SEO strategy.

According to the study, 37% of executives think that generative AI would have a big impact on their SEO strategy, making them the group most concerned about this issue.

However, independent contractors (23.5%) and firm owners/operators (24%) are more certain that generative AI won’t force them to fundamentally alter their SEO strategy.

Attitudes Toward AI’s Potential Impact

The survey found an optimistic view toward AI’s potential impact, with 72.4% of respondents anticipating it to have positive benefits.

The most optimistic SEO experts were those with five to ten years of experience, with 77.3% of them having a favorable opinion on generative AI.

Comparatively, those with more than 20 years of expertise in the field had the highest concerns, with 27.9% saying they had worries overall and 13.2% saying they thought it may be very damaging.

Automation & AI In SEO Practices

A sizeable percentage (68%) of SEO experts intend to implement automated processes using AI tools.

Larger SEO organizations show greater interest in using automation, with the adoption of AI solutions rising as the number of employees on SEO teams grows.

The survey found that the tasks most people want to automate using AI are as follows:

  • Getting the most out of generative AI (13.3%).
  • Creating content (11.1%).
  • Analyzing content (10.7%).
  • Managing structured data (7.5%).

This indicates that generative AI has the potential to significantly improve efficiency and allow teams to concentrate on the most critical tasks.

Opportunities For SEO Service Providers

The study identifies two primary, non-exclusive prospects for SEO service providers:
adopting tools and generative AI.
combining personalisation and automation.
By satisfying these demands, businesses that provide SEO tools and software may gain business.

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