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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Learning Angular in 2023

Choosing a front-end framework these days can be overwhelming due to the abundance of options. A popular and extensively used framework, Angular is ideal for creating a variety of single-page web applications. Maintaining current knowledge of emerging technologies is always a good idea, and Angular is a well-liked and often-utilized tool for developing web applications. Web developers would find it very beneficial to learn Angular in 2023, as it is expected to remain a popular tool for creating dynamic and interactive websites.

What is Angular?


Is a framework for front-end web development created and maintained by Google. It’s employed in the development of single-page applications (SPAs). Angular assists developers in creating more responsive and interactive websites and web apps. It enables web developers to design dynamic user interfaces and interactive elements for web applications, as well as intricate features and functionality that would be challenging or time-consuming to construct from the ground up.

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, upon which Angular is based, divides an application into three primary components:

Model: The application’s data and business logic are represented by the model. It manages the information and offers the reasoning needed to work with it.
View: The application’s user interface, or UI, is the view. It is in charge of displaying the data and giving the user a means of interacting with the program.
In between the model and the view, the controller serves as a mediator. When the model changes, it updates the view as well and takes user input into account.
In order for Angular to function, a web application must be divided into smaller parts and modules that can be independently developed and tested. This facilitates the creation and upkeep of intricate and sizable web applications by developers.

The following are some advantages of learning angular:

You can create complex applications with lots of features without having to start from scratch thanks to Angular’s extensive framework, which has a lot of built-in features and functionality.
By detecting errors before the code is executed, TypeScript, a typed superset of JavaScript, which is used by Angular, can help increase the dependability and maintainability of your code.
You can find a plethora of information and assistance online thanks to Angular’s sizable and vibrant community.
Because Angular is used by many industries, being knowledgeable about it can help you stand out as a job applicant.

2023: Angular learning

Is it worthwhile to learn angular in 2023, then? Sure, is the response! Being one of the most widely used and potent front-end web development tools, Angular is definitely worth learning. It is an all-inclusive framework that offers a full solution for developing web applications, including server-side logic for the back end and an intuitive user interface for the front end.

Here are some actions you can take to become familiar with Angular:

Establish your development environment first. To do this, install a text editor, like Visual Studio Code, and installing Node.js, which is required to run Angular applications.

Get familiar with the fundamentals of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Before moving on to the framework itself, it’s critical to have a solid understanding of these technologies, as they serve as the basis for Angular.

Use the following command to install the Angular CLI (Command Line Interface): npm install -g @angular/cli. Angular applications can be created, built, and deployed using the command line with the help of the Angular CLI tool.

To start your first Angular application, execute the command below: a fresh my-app. By doing this, a new Angular project with the default settings will be created.

Examine the created project structure and become acquainted with the various files and folders. Pay close attention to the app.component.ts file in particular, as it defines your application’s root component.

Enter ng serve to launch your application in the terminal. Your application will now be compiled and running, and it should be visible in your web browser at http://localhost:4200/.

By reading the documentation, watching the tutorials, and creating simple exercises or apps, you can keep learning Angular. As you advance, think about watching tutorial videos or enrolling in online courses to pick up more difficult subjects.

An Angular App Example

Use the following command to install the Angular CLI (Command Line Interface):

npm install -g @angular/cli

You can use the Angular CLI to create a new Angular application after it has been installed. Execute the subsequent command to generate a new application named “my-app”:

ng new my-app

Navigate to the project directory:

cd my-app

Launch the server for development:

ng serve

The application will be compiled, served, and accessible at http://localhost:4200/. Every time you make changes to the code, the development server will also automatically reload the application.

Use the following command to create a new component:Launch the server for development:

ng generate component my-component

The required files for a component, such as a template file (my-component.component.html), a stylesheet file (my-component.component.css), and a component class file (my-component.component.ts), will be created in a new directory named my-component as a result.

Code should be added to the component class by opening the component class file (my-component.component.ts). For instance:

import { Component, OnInit } from "@angular/core";

  selector: " app-my-component",
  templateUrl: "./my-component.component.html",
  styleUrls: ["./my-component.component.css"],
export class MyComponentComponent implements OnInit {
  title = "Angular Example";
  constructor() {}

  ngOnInit(): void {}

To add HTML code to the template, open the my-component.component.html file. For instance


Using its selector, open the root component file (app.component.html) and add a reference to the new component.


That is all! Now you have a simple Angular application that shows a customized element.

Suggested Sources

There are a few different ways to learn Angular, and the one that works best for you will rely on your learning preferences and time constraints. Among the choices for learning Angular are:

Online guides and documentation: If you’re looking to learn the fundamentals of the Angular framework, the official documentation is a great resource. You can also find a ton of tutorials and courses online that will walk you through the process of learning Angular.

Books and ebooks: A number of books and ebooks that go into great detail about Angular are available. If you want to study at your own pace and have a tangible reference to go back to, these can be a good choice.

Video courses: There are lots of Angular-related video courses available. If you learn best by watching video lectures and following along with code examples, these might be a good fit for you.

In-person instruction: A few businesses provide Angular instruction in-person.

If you want to learn in a classroom environment and have the chance to ask questions right away, these might be a good choice for you.
It’s crucial to put what you’ve learned into practice by creating your own projects, regardless of the approach you take. This will give you practice using the concepts in practical settings and help you reinforce your understanding of them.

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