27.1 C
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Don’t write articles using ChatGPT. Instead, use it for these five things.

Despite the fact that they have nothing to do with text generation, I utilize them virtually daily.

Anyone who has attempted to give ChatGPT the directive to “write an article about [topic]” will be able to attest to the fact that ChatGPT cannot write at all. That’s a known fact. Ask it to write a blog post, or any other AI writing tool, if you have any doubts. It will produce extremely poor stuff that no genuine person will want to read.

But I’m still a fan of ChatGPT. It greatly reduces the amount of time I spend creating content and slightly eases my workload. Here are five unexpected uses for ChatGPT that aren’t related to writing.

1. Title optimization.

Email subject lines, article titles, and journalist pitch subject lines used to take me approximately an hour per week. I now spend around five minutes on them.

My email service provider is ConvertKit, and it offers a really cool A/B subject line tester. This aids in my content approach because I often provide you my finest suggestions in email format first and utilize those to determine the most effective title.

Then, after roughly a week, I post that on my website along with the winning article.

Would it surprise you to hear that I created the second title choice using ChatGPT?

It is a comfort to utilize ChatGPT for titles as I am not the best at coming up with them and always have to get approval from my friends and family. Even though I don’t always like the results, having those title options gives me a beginning to start.

2. Using Squarespace’s coding tables
Because it wasn’t really feasible for me before to ChatGPT, I can’t really predict how long this will take.

My posts frequently include tables. As a result, screen readers users can access them more easily. Plus…

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