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2023’s top technical SEO tools

Technical SEO website analysis is something that every digital marketer should be able to perform, but it requires time and effort to complete by hand. It would be wiser to use technical SEO tools to find and address website issues as soon as possible, as this could improve search rankings.

Just as crucial as on- or off-page SEO optimizations is technical SEO. You’ll find it easier to keep website visitors interested the sooner you resolve these technical issues. You can then turn them into conversions after that.

To assist you in making a wise choice, we offer a brief overview of the top technical SEO tools here today.

Technical SEO: What is it?

Technical SEO seeks to improve a website’s back end and identify technical problems that may negatively impact ranking prospects. As a result, search engines can simply crawl and appropriately index your webpage.

To rank in SERPs, technical SEO tools aren’t necessary, in actuality. Nonetheless, these tools aid in enhancing the SEO functionality of your website. What occurs if technical SEO audit tools are not used? Human error is more likely to occur in manual processes. Search engines might then encounter issues appropriately crawling and indexing the website. Stated differently, the performance and online visibility of your website could abruptly decline.

Imagine that your landing page is not mobile-friendly and loads slowly. Before the page loads, visitors will depart from your website, costing you a potential client.

In addition, faulty links and persistent technical problems can make your target audience suspicious.

These components are auditable under technical SEO.

  • Website speed
  • Mobile responsiveness
  • XML sitemaps
  • Robots.txt
  • URL structure
  • Structured data markup
  • Canonical tags
  • 404 pages
  • Redirects
  • Crawl errors
  • Server optimization

Remember this. SEO tools are ways of diagnosis. evaluates your website and makes recommendations for improvement. Still, some tools can react to issues they automatically identify very quickly. Make sure to periodically check the process, even if it has been set up automatically.

The top-notch technical SEO instruments

Be a novice or an expert in the field. Every digital marketer makes use of a variety of SEO tools to maximize outcomes and expedite work. Indeed, each has advantages and disadvantages. The services and features they offer also affect how much they charge.

Learn about the tools and peruse the user reviews. Choose one that is appropriate for your company after that. We’ve enumerated and condensed the technical SEO tools that could be of use to you.

Screaming Frog

For a thorough site audit covering everything from outlinks to response time, look no further than Screaming Frog. With the help of this installable tool, your website can be crawled through to extract on-site data, audit SEO issues, and analyze results instantly. It is the best choice for small businesses because it has a free version with a 500 URL crawl limit.


It’s among the most widely used technical SEO tools available. It can be applied to content marketing, PPC, and SEO. It’s a great option for big businesses because of this. Semrush’s Site Audit tool is also capable of analyzing many technical aspects of a site, including link structures, crawlability, and performance. Semrush provides a free analysis of up to 100 web pages despite being a pricey tool due to all these features.

Google Search Console

If Google ranking matters, then there’s no better way to do it than by utilizing Google’s own web service. It’s also totally free. After analyzing your URLs, GSC sends you an email with information about problems with indexing, organic performance metrics, and sitemaps. It’s a direct source of information for both technical SEO problems and current keyword rankings.


An additional top-rated SEO tool. This cloud-based solution simplifies the process of locating on-page and technical SEO problems. It reports the issues graphically and categorizes the problems. Numerous elements are available for analysis, including duplicate pages, external pages, broken pages, and status code errors. Additionally, it is possible to have daily, weekly, and monthly automated scans. It’s fantastic for big businesses.


Its user-friendly interface makes it a favorite among SEO novices. Comprehensive “how to use” guides will make the journey with the tool much easier. During the SEO audit, you can also automate these controls and maintain control over the process using filters. The tool will email you in the event of a serious technical error, allowing you to take immediate action. A 14-day free trial is available.

SE Ranking

Are you trying to find an all-in-one SEO platform at a lower cost? SE Ranking might then be the answer for you. Technical SEO is one of the comprehensive SEO audits that it conducts. It’s ideal for bloggers and small business owners.

Lumar (Formerly known as DeepCrawl)

From broken links, XLM sitemaps, test page speed, and more. The tool effectively checks the quality of your content and improves your website’s search engine rankings. Furthermore, you can obtain comprehensive insights about your website and your rivals’ site architecture, content, and social media marketing tactics with the help of the personalized reporting feature. Additionally possible is automated auditing.


With this platform, you can carry out on-page SEO, keyword research, and website audits. Additionally, it provides search engine ranking tracking and backlink analysis. For those who are new to the world of SEO, it’s a perfect and affordable tool. You can monitor ten keywords and crawl up to 1,000 website pages with the free plan.

Moz Pro

Moz Pro is one of the best all-in-one SEO tools available today. It verifies all the technical SEO requirements, including missing meta descriptions and broken links. It’s the perfect tool for SEO experts who wish to organize their work more efficiently.


Its focus on data sets it apart from other tools. Businesses can develop strategic optimization plans that are well-informed by integrating SEO data with other analytics. Anyone with a website can use OnCrawl, but SEO experts in particular.


It aids in creating a comprehensive SEO strategy that takes user experiences and technical SEO factors into account. You can easily generate reports with this tool.

To get the most out of these tools, it will be beneficial to hire an SEO expert or to improve your technical SEO skills.

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