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Top PHP Development Trends for 2023 to Keep an Eye on

PHP is a reliable programming language that has been around for 25 years, making it stand out in the fast-paced digital world of today.

The market for application development is expected to reach a valuation of USD 787.69 billion by 2027, from a projected USD 250.86 billion by 2023. Though some consider PHP to be antiquated, as of 2023, it powers 79.2% of websites worldwide.

The need for PHP developers is rising. Given the changing role of PHP, understanding the major trends for 2023 is imperative.

Did you have any plans to hire a PHP developer? To help you make a decision, this blog will walk you through the most recent PHP trends.

Now let’s get started.

A Brief Look at PHP

PHP, or “Hypertext Preprocessor” (formerly “Personal Home Page”), is an open-source scripting language that is very popular. The main use case for it is in web development to create dynamic webpages. The PHP code is processed by the server and sent to the user’s browser in HTML form when a user visits a PHP page.

Important Elements

Server-Side Scripting: PHP scripts run on the server, as opposed to client-side languages like JavaScript.
Embedded in HTML: PHP is easily integrated into web pages because it can be embedded straight into HTML.
Database Integration: Facilitates the use of numerous databases, including PostgreSQL and MySQL.
Works on practically all popular web servers and operating systems, making it platform independent.
Open Source: It is available for free and has a sizable community that contributes resources and supports its growth.

PHP Fascinating Statistics for 2023

PHP is used in the construction of an impressive 77% of live websites.
22% of the top 10,000 websites rely on PHP as their backend.
Facebook continued to use the version of PHP that it adopted in 2004 on approximately 18,000 websites.
PHP applications comprise 81% of web development.
The average yearly salary for PHP developers is more than $94,000.
For PHP, about 26% of web developers have a preference.
Over a million PHP-driven webpages are hosted in four countries.
Just 6.2% of developers say they would like to learn PHP.
Every month, Google Search receives about 700,000 queries with the keyword “PHP.”

Why Is PHP a Top Option for Web Developers?

PHP is a popular choice among web developers worldwide because of its exceptional features. It is acknowledged as one of the most widely used programming languages in the world.

Quick Performance

PHP is incredibly fast. PHP is known for its efficient memory usage and quick information processing, which contribute to websites built in this language loading faster than those built in other languages. PHP stands out due to its user-friendly nature, which makes it possible for developers of any skill level to create websites quickly and effectively.

Regular Improvements

PHP has a well-known, easy learning curve. Regular updates and versions have continuously increased its capabilities. Symfony, Lamina, Cake, Laravel, and CodeIgniter are some of the more recent frameworks that have added to PHP’s capabilities. These frameworks fix some of PHP’s issues while streamlining development. For example, Laravel stands out in the industry thanks to its unique features, which make it a top choice for many.

Accepting Open Source

PHP is a freely available programming language that is open-source. It is a very useful tool, especially for those working on web development projects on a tight budget, because there are no licensing fees associated with it.


Scalability ranks highly when choosing a programming language or framework for a business. This is especially true for apps and websites designed with business use in mind. Entrepreneurs search for languages that can easily handle the surge in traffic and website growth.

PHP has the ability to support a large user base and scales well. Its scalability credentials are further enhanced by its compatibility with all web browsers.

Customized Online Services:

Because PHP has so many features, developers can create custom websites and applications that are suited to the specific requirements of a project. Its flexibility is increased by its ability to integrate with other languages, such as Java or Ruby. Experts in PHP can create a website that perfectly captures the essence of a company.

The Newest PHP Trends to Follow in 2023

  1. PHP and Web Application Development on the Cloud

Many businesses face challenges when it comes to storing large volumes of data. The majority of businesses are shifting to cloud solutions to address this. Studies reveal a strong complementarity between PHP and cloud services. The value of cloud infrastructure services increased 37% from the previous quarter to $27.5 billion in Q3 2019. It’s astounding that 79% of web platforms use PHP in conjunction with cloud frameworks. PHP’s affordability and its ability to create safe, scalable online

It’s a top pick for many because of its applications.

  1. PHP Serverless

Developers can design and execute applications without worrying about maintaining server infrastructure thanks to serverless architecture. The management of the server is reduced to a single line of code that reacts to events and scales up or down automatically as needed.

In the past, the serverless environment was dominated by languages like JavaScript (Node.js). However, PHP developers can now deploy their applications on platforms like AWS Lambda without a traditional server setup thanks to platforms like Bref and tools designed to make PHP work in a serverless environment.

  1. IoT Integration with PHP Frameworks

Internet of Things (IoT) is a leading technological innovation that has become a major trend in PHP development. PHP is usually the preferred technology among IoT enthusiasts. IoT and PHP work together to introduce novel approaches to digital engagement.

For example, the real estate industry is using IoT to improve product intelligence and user-friendliness. Smart home technology allows for remote smartphone management of appliances and lighting systems. PHP development tools and IoT devices work together symbiotically to achieve this integration. Top contenders among PHP frameworks designed for IoT integrations are Symfony and Laravel.

  1. PHP-based headless CMS

A headless content management system (CMS) is a backend-only content management system that offers an environment for content creation and management. It then uses APIs to expose content to other systems, such as front-end applications.

PHP has a strong CMS heritage (think WordPress, Drupal), which puts it in a good position to implement headless CMS. These days, a lot of conventional CMSs built on PHP support headless functionality, enabling developers to work with cutting-edge frontend technologies like React or Vue.js while maintaining content in a comfortable PHP environment.

  1. PHP and the Development of Sensible Chatbots

In any business, regardless of size, providing excellent customer service is crucial. The use of traditional customer service channels, such as phone calls or in-person store visits, is declining because of how time-consuming they are and how little they fit into the fast-paced lifestyle of today. Here come chatbots, which are virtual assistants that can function similarly to human counterparts by answering queries, providing information, resolving problems, delivering documents, and helping users.

The use of chatbots has increased noticeably in the last few months. An increasing number of contemporary PHP developers are incorporating intelligent chatbots into their products. These AI-powered chatbots improve user experience by simulating real-life human interactions and bridging the communication gap that occurs after business hours.

  1. PHP: A Reliable Base for Secure Websites

Considering the surge in worldwide cyberattacks, website security is now more important than ever. Businesses, people, and governments have all suffered large financial losses as a result of these cyberthreats; according to Statista, the average data breach costs approximately USD 3.86 million. Therefore, it is crucial to protect websites from any potential cyber threats.

The ability to implement strong cybersecurity defenses with PHP development tools protects websites against a variety of online threats. Businesses can create effective security solutions for their online platforms by utilizing PHP tools. PHP frameworks with outstanding caching, security, and asset management capabilities are some of the best, such as Phalcon. Furthermore, companies can incorporate strong encryption features into their websites thanks to frameworks like CodeIgniter, which increases website security.

  1. Development using Components

The best parts (or components) of multiple frameworks or libraries are used in component-based development, as opposed to depending solely on one framework or tool for every feature.

The framework interop group (PHP-FIG) and the PHP standard recommendations (PSR) have made it easier for various PHP tools to work together. This implies that a developer could use a Symfony framework component in a Laravel project, for instance. More individualized, effective, and efficient application development is made possible by this flexibility.

  1. PHP-Based Voice Search Enhancement

One significant trend in PHP web development for 2023 is voice search optimization. Web developers are increasingly including voice search capabilities into their websites as digital assistants such as Siri and Alexa gain popularity. Because voice searches are usually three times faster than manual typing, research indicates that users strongly prefer voice queries.

PHP frameworks and tools enable programmers to create dynamic, user-focused websites. Well-known PHP frameworks like Laravel, CakePHP, and CodeIgniter can be used to create websites with better user interfaces. Additionally, a lot of these PHP frameworks have templating engines built in, which makes it easier to create visually stunning user interfaces.

Why PHP Developers Need to Stay Current with Changing Trends?

Programmers with advanced PHP skills who actively use its most recent trends and updates will find that the process goes more smoothly.

Furthermore, developers who keep up with the latest developments in PHP are a great asset to companies that use this language. Their modern methodology guarantees that they transcend outdated development methodologies and adopt cutting-edge advancements.

The following essential PHP features and tools improve a developer’s contributions:

It will be necessary to adopt these improvements and developments in the future if one wants to increase their PHP knowledge.

Solid Library Access: PHP has an extensive built-in library with many modules that are flexible. For developers, these features make a lot of tasks easier, like manipulating strings, files, and databases.

Friendly to Users: PHP is well known for being user-friendly. Developers of any experience level can quickly code and design web applications thanks to its simple syntax.

Various Frameworks: For developing web applications, PHP frameworks such as Laravel, CodeIgniter, and Symfony are indispensable resources. They are brimming with features like form validation, database abstraction, and security, which expedite the development process and promote code reuse and scalability.

AI Integration: Using a variety of frameworks and libraries, PHP enables the smooth integration of AI. A variety of algorithms are available in libraries such as PHP-ML and Rubix ML that are useful for creating intelligent applications. Moreover, extensions and tools are available for PHP frameworks like Symfony and Laravel to facilitate the use of these AI libraries.

Platform Versatility: PHP works on a variety of operating systems, such as Linux, Windows, and macOS. Because PHP is cross-platform, developers can work in a variety of environments without having to rewrite their code, and it is simple to host PHP apps on multiple platforms.

Seamless Integration: PHP integrates well with a variety of databases, web servers, and other technologies. It easily connects with web servers via protocols like HTTP and supports databases like SQLite, PostgreSQL, and MySQL. Additionally, PHP can use APIs to communicate with other services.

Rich Community: PHP developers gain from a vibrant community where they can ask for help, exchange ideas, and keep up with the most recent advancements. Online forums, tutorials, user-contributed libraries, and copious documentation are all available within this flourishing ecosystem.
In summary, PHP offers developers a comprehensive environment that boosts productivity and creativity in the creation of web applications.

OnGraph: Providing cutting-edge AI-driven PHP Development Services

One of the best server-side backend technologies for your business’s growth is PHP. The availability of numerous PHP frameworks and tools makes it possible to develop dynamic and user-friendly web applications. Using well-known PHP frameworks like CakePHP, CodeIgniter, or Laravel, developers can create websites that put the user experience first.

It is essential to have a reliable PHP development partner if you want to guarantee that your clients have a flawless, effective, and feature-rich encounter. With a solid 20 years of experience in PHP web development services, Net Solutions is prepared to meet your needs. Our skilled team has experience creating and launching specialized websites, eCommerce platforms, apps, and portals that support business growth and guarantee long-term relevance. They are proficient in core PHP and CMS.

Let’s say you want to create a brand-new PHP application or need assistance maintaining an existing platform, including security updates. If so, OnGraph should be your first choice for top-notch PHP development services.

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