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The Top 10 SEO Blogs to Read in 2023 for Novices and Professionals

Whether you like it or not, the majority of SEO tactics are always evolving. The SEO elements that were effective a year ago won’t be effective today, and the strategies that are effective now won’t be effective next year!

To be a master of the SEO game, you must continuously stay up to date on the newest trends in this massive industry. Gaining knowledge from the TOP websites and blogs can be very beneficial.

You’ve come to the correct spot if you’re looking for the newest SEO blogs and websites for 2023.

Our primary goal in compiling the most prominent bloggers was to save you time when searching for the ideal content to create an SEO-friendly blog.

The Top 19 SEO Blogs of 2023 That You Shouldn’t Miss

1. Moz Blog

You’ve undoubtedly heard of “Moz” if you are familiar with the term SEO. Currently one of the most influential blogs on the internet is Moz. In addition to being supported by industry-leading SEO data, it also has the largest SEO community worldwide!

Additionally, Moz offers a plethora of SEO tools that can help you better understand your audience and boost search traffic. Read by more than a million people globally, their Beginner’s Guide to SEO is arguably the most popular page on the Internet. They also have a “Pro” version that will assist you in achieving your SEO objectives with tools and forum support.

What makes the Moz blog worth reading?

Most likely, the first SEO authority blog was Moz. It’s not a beginner-friendly website—many advanced SEO-related topics are covered—but it consistently generates excellent, in-depth content about search engine optimization.

Read and follow the Moz blog to learn how to optimize your website. Examine their extensive SEO archives section to understand how it all works.

Our favorite post from Moz:

2. Search Engine Watch

One of the greatest SEO blogs to follow online is Search Engine Watch. Founded in 1996 by Danny Sullivan, it is one of the oldest blogs and is well-known for its articles and regular updates on SEO.

This blog is for you if you want to learn about the most recent SEO trends. To help readers better understand SEO trends, this blog primarily discusses the top SEO tools and regular changes made by Google.

What makes the Search Engine Watch blog worth reading?

Danny Sullivan founded Search Engine Watch in 1996, and it was subsequently acquired by a larger business. It includes great information about conducting web searches, industry analysis of search engines, and other things that will help you boost your total search traffic.

Our favorite post from Search Engine Watch:

3. Backlinko

Is there anyone else interested in advancing their SEO? The best place to look for tried-and-true SEO techniques to boost website traffic is Backlinko.

In addition to providing useful SEO advice, Backlinko’s owner, Brian Dean, also offers some of the most illuminating SEO case studies that, if followed, will explode in organic traffic!

Why should you peruse the blogs on Backlinko?

Backlinko is the ONE blog on this page that you should follow if you only follow one. This blog is written by just one person, Brian Dean, who is a near expert in SEO and uses straightforward language to explain everything.

Everyone can learn something from this fantastic blog, even if they are novices or seasoned SEO professionals. We strongly encourage you to read through all 200+ blog posts, as each one is a treasure.

Our favorite post from Backlinko:

4. Search Engine Land

Are you interested in finding out the most recent developments in SEO, PPC, and SEM (search engine marketing)? Don’t forget to bookmark Search Engine Land after that. Millions of people read this blog every month, making it one of the most reputable in the industry.

How come Search Engine Land is worth reading?

Nearly all SEO-related news, including the most recent Google updates and SEO strategies, can be found on Search Engine Land. I check out one of my favorite blogs almost every day. You should follow this blog if you’re interested in learning about the most recent developments and news regarding Google.

Our favorite post from Search Engine Land:

5. Search Engine Journal

In order to draw visitors from search engines, SEJ (Search Engine Journal) typically employs a community-based approach to search marketing content. Experts in online marketing write almost all of the articles published on SEJ and share their opinions.

The primary topics of this blog are significant SEO news, trends, and tactics, etc. In-depth topic guides are another thing they usually offer to help marketers succeed with SEO.

What makes Search Engine Journal worth reading?

Read SEJ because it offers the best guides available for SEO, PPC, link building, and other related topics. In addition to providing the best SEO advice, it regularly updates the blog with news about Google, algorithm modifications and their effects, indexing problems, etc.

Our favorite post from Search Engine Journal:

6. Search Engine Roundtable

Search Engine Roundtable’s goal is to give readers a single resource to find the most fascinating discussions posted on SEM forums. In addition, this blog offers link-building advice and the most recent Google updates, which can help marketers increase search engine traffic.

What makes Search Engine Roundtable worth reading?

Nearly every facet of SEO is covered by Search Engine Roundtable, from Google core updates to SEO copywriting. Offering the most recent information about Google and other search engines, it is also one of the oldest search marketing blogs available online.

Our favorite post from Search Engine Roundtable:

7. Yoast Blog

Have you recently begun utilizing Yoast’s WordPress SEO? One popular SEO plugin that is free to use is this one, which helps you optimize your blog’s pages to increase traffic. Yoast helps marketers succeed in search engine optimization by covering SEO, WordPress optimization, online marketing, and content strategies.

What makes Yoast Blog worth reading?

Yoast offers a ton of tutorials on a variety of topics, including WordPress, Analytics, technical SEO, and content. Yoast blog is an excellent resource if you want to learn more about search engine optimization in addition to WordPress tutorials.

Our favorite post from Yoast Blog:

8. NeilPatel.com Blog

If you’re interested in SEO, blogging, or content marketing, you’ve probably heard of Neil Patel. Neil, who travels the globe to give seminars, attend events, and instruct people on how to use SEO to grow their businesses, is regarded as one of the most well-known SEO experts in the world.

You should start reading Neil Patel’s blog, which has thousands of insightful posts, if you’re looking for in-depth articles about blogging, SEO, and content marketing strategies. Almost all of his blog entries are over 5000 (sometimes even 10,000) words long and incredibly detailed.

Visit his blog to see the long form of articles and the podcasts and YouTube videos he regularly shares about SEO.

What makes Neil Patel’s blog worth reading?

The SEO guru Neil Patel has an enormous archive of blog posts, most of which are about search engine optimization, on his SEO blog. The majority of his posts are simple to read and provide nearly comprehensive coverage of any subject he writes about.

Our favorite post from Neil Patel’s blog:

9. Semrush Blog

We adore Semrush so much. They have a great selection of SEO articles that can truly help you understand what search engine optimization is all about, in addition to having a fantastic AI SEO tool like Semrush.

That being said, if you truly want to raise your website’s rankings and boost overall sales, Semrush is one of the essential SEO tools you should give a try. It makes everything easier for you to do, including site audits, backlink analysis, and keyword research.

Why should you read the blog for Semrush?

Over 5 million people worldwide use Semrush, the most widely used SEO toolkit. Additionally, it features a blog for digital marketing where you can find helpful articles about social media, SEO, SEM, PPC, content strategy, and content marketing.

For helpful guides on PPC and SEO, you should subscribe to this blog if you currently use paid SEO tools like Semrush.

Our favorite post from Semrush blog:

10. Ahrefs Blog

One of the marketing blogs that is highly recommended and essential to read in the field is Ahrefs. The entire blog is jam-packed with some of the best in-depth articles that will help you advance your website, including those about SEO, link building, blogger outreach, and other related topics.

Some of the best SEO content that received thousands of shares, links, and comments was written by the author, Tim Soulo, who is also the head of marketing at Ahrefs. Ahrefs is a must-read for anyone starting out in SEO and looking for the best resources available.

Why should you read the blog of Ahrefs?

Two things make Ahrefs so popular: first, they have a fantastic SEO toolkit, and second, they have a top-notch SEO blog.

Ahrefs publishes user-friendly SEO tutorials as its main focus. They cover everything from technical audits to link building to keyword research. If you want to learn SEO from the ground up, it is definitely worth your time.

Our favorite post from Ahrefs:

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