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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Seven AI Tools to Increase Productivity by 10 Times

AI has significantly impacted daily business and development activities, making work more efficient and productive. For your next SaaS project, I will thus be sharing some of the most well-liked new AI tools in this article.

Before we get started, though, I’d want to offer the book “Cheat Code to Build a SaaS,” which I wrote. In it, I go over all the procedures, advice, and useful links, as well as how to get started with your SaaS. Most of your issues will be addressed in this book, but if you still have questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.

#1 Text2sql.ai 📅

You can use this tool to find the appropriate SQL query for your job even if you don’t know much about SQL or if you might get confused between JOINS and UPSERT queries. It makes writing complex SQL queries quite straightforward.

#2 Taskade.com 👨‍💻

You may use Taskade.com to manage your team even if you are not excellent at assigning and creating tasks. With the use of artificial intelligence, you can generate and distribute complex assignments for your team with ease.

#3 Replai.so 🤓

This is the ideal solution to check out if you wish to automate your Twitter responses.

#4 Codesnippets.ai ⚙️

To obtain the most recent code snippets and write your production code much more quickly, use Codesnippets directly in Vscode as a plugin.

#5 Mixo.io 💮

You may develop your website quickly and with less effort thanks to AI’s power.

#6 Gomoonbeam ✍️

Gomoonbeam is an ideal instrument for doing extended writing and research projects, as it remains undetectable to artificial intelligence.

#7 Midesk.co 🔊

With the aid of this tool, you will be able to conduct a thorough analysis of the industry and receive improved reports for your SaaS marketing. This can help you plan your SaaS’s go-to-market strategy.

These were the tools Please let me know if I’ve overlooked any tools in the comments below. I hope these resources will be helpful to you in your work.

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