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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Punjab’s Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi Visits Modern Milk and One-Window Facilities in China

Recently, the Committee from the Punjabi government set out for Yinchuan, China, under the direction of Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi. Provincial Ministers SM Tanveer, Amir Mir, Azfar Ali Nasir, Ibrahim Hasan Murad, and Finance Secretary Mujahid Sherdil were also present on the Committee. They were there to investigate a state-of-the-art milk processing plant and the cutting-edge One Window System in Yinchuan City.

The ministers got the chance to carefully examine a number of departments at the China First Deep Processing Factory during their visit. They learned crucial information about the complex processes entailed in milk processing. The value-added procedures for milk, cheese, proteins, and other goods at the cutting-edge factory in Nangxia piqued the delegation’s interest in particular.

The ministers had the opportunity to tour the milk processing plant as well as Yinchuan City’s One Window System. The goal of this system is to offer citizens streamlined, effective administrative services. The ministers were present when the One Window System’s provisions for people’ convenience were made.

The Committee was briefed, and it was made clear how much of an influence the One Window Operation has. 69 official seals that were previously utilized in offices have been rendered obsolete as a result of their introduction. These seals are currently all preserved in one location within the operation’s hall. Additionally, a separate hall has been set aside for the submission of manual application forms for residents who do not have access to online application forms. After receiving the application, the One Window Administration Cell quickly completes the entire procedure, needing only one visit from the citizen. An astonishing 99 percent of citizens are satisfied with the One Window Administration’s services and the way their applications are processed.

Minister SM Tanveer expressed his respect for the one-window functioning in Yinchuan City’s state-of-the-art design. He underlined how a system like that would increase public trust in the functioning of the government. Minister Amir Mir praised the One Window Cell as one example of the notable advancements in Yinchuan’s administrative operations and public facilities at all levels. He emphasized the need for comparable systems to be put in place in other cities, like Lahore.

The potential for increasing use of contemporary technologies in milk processing was mentioned by Minister Azfar Ali Nasir. He underlined the necessity of more cooperation for value addition. The leader of the Chinese company has been invited to visit Punjab in accordance with Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi’s directives.

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