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Saturday, July 27, 2024

My AI-generated Images Break the Rules of the Medium

Or so one publication believes

Recently, I made the choice to sign up for an intriguing-looking newspaper. I submitted an email application and got accepted. Since it doesn’t happen very often, I was ecstatic and started writing my first narrative right away.

As you have probably observed, I have been creating photos for my articles for the past few months using the free Bing Creator. It’s not because I don’t value painters’ art. On the other hand, I used to paint, so I am aware of how difficult this job is. It is a job, yes. Guys, don’t be duped; art isn’t merely blissfully suspended in the air. It’s a torturous labor.

However, the sad and terrible fact is that I lack the funds to cover the costs of each image I use in a Medium article.

Tell me, therefore, what makes utilizing a free Pixabay image different from producing my own on the free Microsoft site. None except from the fact that I enjoy constructing my own images. Of course, it’s nothing like painting itself, but I spend a lot of time trying to find the proper phrases that will make the AI fist extend a long straw rather than a little one.

For me, collaborating with AI is an artistic endeavor. Although it is a unique and distinctive form of art, I am unable to categorize it as anything else because it provides the same enjoyment that art does.

Why don’t you try writing, you ask?

An excellent editor is a need for good writing.

skilled editors are quite expensive, just like skilled painters are.

I was unable to write in English because of that till now. I’m aware that I’m far from fluent in it because it’s not my native tongue. The thoughts, pictures, and universes that fill my imagination, however, I wanted to share with the more than seven million Bulgarians.

So what took place? This ambition of mine became a reality thanks to the appearance of new, free tools. My go-to tools are Grammarly and, if required, a free paraphrase tool. These tools are far from ideal; I suppose the commercial versions are much better, but I make up for their shortcomings. We collaborate. Grammarly would fix any spelling or grammar errors, and I would check to see whether the repair was accurate (sometimes it wasn’t). The tool for paraphrasing will……..

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