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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Laravel Pint now has built-in support in PhpStorm.

With the release of PhpStorm 2023.2, Laravel Pint is now supported by more quality tools. Now, code style concerns from Laravel Pint can be handled similarly to PhpStorm’s own code reviews.

Expand the Laravel Pint section under Settings | PHP | Quality Tools to configure the integration with Laravel Pint.

You can also designate Laravel Pint as your preferred external formatter. This would allow the Reformat Code ⌘⌥ L action to address every problem that Laravel Pint found in a single pass.

Go to Settings -> Editor -> Inspections and check the Laravel Pint validation checkbox under PHP | Quality Tools to enable Laravel Pint as a PhpStorm inspection.

Enabling the inspection will cause problems found by Laravel Pint to be reported in the Problems tool window or highlighted in any PHP file that is opened.

Numerous other helpful features are also included in this release, such as:

PHP enhancements for generics
Built-in assistance for PHP assertions
AI Helper (Beta)
GitLab integration with Search Everywhere’s text search

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