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How To Target Your Audience Using SEO At Every Stage Of The Funnel

A thorough understanding of the client journey or marketing funnel is essential for successful SEO campaigns. It entails having the ability to effectively map user intent, keywords, and material.

The customer journey, sometimes referred to as the sales funnel or marketing funnel, is a route that prospective customers follow from learning about a product or service for the first time to deciding whether to buy it.

Without a thorough understanding and definition of the customer journey or marketing funnel for firms, a great deal of SEO methods, investment, and work can be squandered.

I’ve seen it far too often, which is why I stress the significance of having a clear, objective approach to SEO.

No matter how young or well-established your company is, or where you are in your endeavors, it is always a worthwhile practice to go through on a frequent basis.

You should align your efforts with your marketing funnel since customer behavior, rivalry, and even changes in your own company’s aims and objectives can affect it.

The Marketing Funnel’s Stages

Let me take a moment to review how I identify the stages of the funnel before moving on to the SEO audience targeting to it:

Anterior To The Funnel

The primary objective at the top of the funnel is to raise awareness among your target market.

Through a variety of channels, including advertising, social media, content marketing, and word-of-mouth recommendations, potential customers learn about your brand, product, or service.

Remember that rather than openly pushing things at this point, your goal should be to fulfill the requirements of your audience with useful and instructional content.

The center of the funnel

People who have demonstrated interest in your product or service and are actively looking for more information are currently in the middle of the funnel.

They might accomplish this by subscribing to emails, following you on social media, connecting with your material in a more beneficial way, or visiting the product pages on your website.

Your material at this point in the funnel should concentrate on providing comprehensive details about your goods and services, such as their features, advantages, and capacity to meet certain client needs.

Lower Part of the Funnel

Users are weighing their options in the last stage of the funnel before deciding whether or not to make a purchase.

To make sure your offer is the best fit for them, they could check reviews, compare what you offer with those of rivals, and look for confidence.

It’s crucial that you give these people material that encourages brand loyalty and trust, pushing them to convert and make a good, lasting impression.

Orienting Your SEO Activities Towards The Funnel

You can provide the appropriate content to the right audience at the right time by matching your SEO strategy to the user’s search intent at every stage of the marketing funnel.

Identifying the Intent of Search

The four most widely recognized search purposes are transactional, commercial, navigational, and informative.

Understanding user intent and providing content that meets the demands of your audience are fundamental components of SEO.

We waste time and energy on less-than-ideal conversion possibilities when we have the perfect content at the wrong time or the opposite.

I’ll go over how search intent can change depending on the marketing funnel step below:

Level of Awareness

Informational search intent is usually found at the top of the funnel.

People are looking for content that is instructive or thought-provoking in order to find information or answers to questions. People frequently search for who, what, where, when, why, and how.

In order to focus on users at the top of the funnel, I advise you to:

Determine the terms and keywords that members of your target market may use to find information about your sector, goods, or services. You should concentrate on using more general, informative keywords.
Provide top-notch, educational, and captivating material that speaks to your target audience’s interests, concerns, and main points. This can apply to social media posts, infographics, videos, and blog articles.
Choose keywords that cause featured snippets to appear frequently in search results. These can assist you in being more visible and establishing credibility.

Stage of Consideration

Your audience’s goal becomes more transactional and commercial as they move into the deliberation stage. They are weighing their options and plan to decide on a good or service eventually.

To connect with mid-funnel searchers, you ought to:

Start focusing on longer-tail, more targeted keywords that convey the user’s desire to learn more or take action. Frequently used keywords in this context are “best,” “reviews,” “comparison,” and “how to choose.”
Provide in-depth manuals, product evaluations, and comparative pieces that offer insightful analysis and support users in making defensible selections.
If appropriate, include location-based keywords in your content to direct readers to your real location. Over a neighboring competitor’s location, local SEO can assist in drawing customers to yours.

Stage of Conversion
Lastly, we arrive at the conversion phase, during which users intend to navigate and make purchases.

They may even be looking for your particular brand or product since they know exactly what they want.

Keep an eye out for transactional and navigational keywords, which frequently consist of product or brand names, as well as action-related terms like “buy,” “order,” “sign up,” or “contact.”

Reaching bottom-funnel users requires that you:

Target keywords like “buy,” “order,” “discount,” or “pricing” that indicate a user’s intention to make a purchase when optimizing product pages and service descriptions.
Rich product information can be included in search results by using schema markup, which will facilitate consumers’ ability to compare and make decisions.

Bonus: Tracking Tools

A tracking tool that offers thorough insights into user behavior, website traffic, and conversions is Google Analytics 4 GA4.

Use it to monitor where visitors are coming from, how they are interacting with your content, and the routes they are taking before making a purchase.

To measure particular occurrences, including form starts and completions, we advise creating goals and funnels.

Search Console on Google

Search Console offers useful data insights for monitoring page performance and search queries.
With key performance indicators (KPIs) like clicks, impressions, and click-through rate, you can use it to track which keywords are directing users to which sites.

The reports provided by Search Console are also a priceless tool for understanding how Google is indexing and crawling your website and for identifying any problems with Core Web Vitals.

Research Tools for Keywords
You may find and monitor keywords specifically for SEO with the aid of SEO tools like as Ahrefs, Moz, and Semrush.

With the help of these tools, you may determine a keyword’s intent in addition to its anticipated search volume and ranking difficulties.


It’s crucial to understand your marketing funnel and match your SEO efforts to the goals of your users at each stage. It takes a lot of time and work to do SEO.

Furthermore, it can take some time before we observe a quantifiable ROI.

The more you understand about engaging prospects, guiding them down the funnel, and optimizing your efforts continuously, the less ineffective approaches you employ.

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