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Saturday, July 27, 2024

First Pakistani Caretaker PM Anwaar ul Haq Kakkar to Address UNGA

Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar, the acting prime minister of Pakistan, is in New York for the UNGA’s 78th session during a five-day visit to the United States. Because Kakar is the first acting prime minister of Pakistan to address the major UN body where crucial decisions are made, this visit is significant.

A neutral caretaker government is in responsibility of organizing national elections in Pakistan, which must take place within 90 days of the lower house of parliament being dissolved. The election regulator needs time to designate new voting zones based on the most recent population census, therefore in this instance the elections may be delayed until March.

The UNGA has never heard from a Pakistani caretaker prime minister before. The UNGA session for this year is set to take place from September 19 to September 26; Kakar is slated to speak on September 22.

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