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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Constant Security Monitoring Is Essential for a Strong Cybersecurity Strategy

The average cost of a data breach worldwide in 2023 was $4.45 million. In addition to the short-term financial loss, there are long-term repercussions such as eroded brand value, damaged customer trust, and disrupted business operations.

Organizations are confronted with a harsh reality in a world where data breaches are occurring more frequently and costing more money than ever before: traditional cybersecurity measures may not be sufficient anymore.

In light of this, companies need to figure out how to make their security protocols stronger in order to protect valuable information and important assets. A crucial tactic that is at the core of this change is ongoing monitoring.

Comprehending Cybersecurity Through Constant Security Monitoring

Continuous monitoring is a flexible strategy that combines a number of tactics to implement a multi-layered defense. These methods may consist of:

Risk-Based Vulnerability Management (RBVM): Constantly scan your network for vulnerabilities and prioritize remediation tasks according to the greatest risks.
The ongoing identification, observation, and evaluation of your external exposure—including domains, websites, hosts, services, and other elements—is known as external attack surface management or EASM.
Cyber Threat Intelligence: Consolidated, actionable threat data to help you manage digital risk and stay ahead of adversaries.

Continuous monitoring is like a live stream that is available around the clock, in contrast to point-in-time assessments, which are like taking a picture of your security posture. It ensures quick detection and response by actively searching for weaknesses, anomalies, misconfigurations, and potential threats.

Constant Security Surveillance for Online Applications

Any effective cybersecurity strategy should have business application protection as its main focus. They are becoming harder to protect in addition to being a desirable target for cybercriminals. A recent report that examined 3.5 million business assets found that most online-exposed web apps that contain personally identifiable information (PII) are susceptible to cyberattacks, with 74% of them being at risk.

Organizations frequently face a difficult decision when it comes to protecting their web application: using a pen testing as a service (PTaaS) solution or doing regular (periodic or ad hoc) pen tests. It all comes down to the particular requirements of your company. Both tools have advantages; the key is to match the right tool to the right task to stay one step ahead in the cybersecurity race.

Advantages of PTaaS

Apps handling sensitive data or being critical to the environment make a PTaaS solution and ongoing monitoring necessary. It provides continuous defense against changing vulnerabilities.
Regarding finances, PTaaS provides a fixed cost structure, which makes it an affordable path to advanced security proficiency.

The Advantages of Routine Pen Testing

Occasional checks may be sufficient for smaller or newer web apps, in which case a standard pen test is useful.
Do you require a one-time thing, like a particular security verification? Your best option is standard pen testing. Additionally, it works better for tasks involving assets that aren’t online, like network infrastructure.

Standard pen testing provides a targeted, economical solution if all you’re looking to do is validate known vulnerabilities.

The More Comprehensive View of Constant Surveillance

Outpost24 helps you prioritize vulnerabilities to improve your cybersecurity posture and lower exposure by identifying security gaps throughout your entire attack surface.

With Outscan NX (RBVM), vulnerability management and real-time threat intelligence are combined to reduce business risk and concentrate remediation efforts.
SWAT (PTaaS): Access to security experts for your agile development cycles, along with automated scanning and manual testing.
Sweepatic (EASM): Real-time attack surface detection and monitoring with useful insights.
Cyber Threat Intelligence, or Threat Compass, provides targeted and actionable information to expedite the identification of threats and the handling of incidents.

We need to reconsider our cybersecurity paradigms in light of the digital era. It is evident from the growing expenses and hazards related to data breaches that ongoing security monitoring is not merely a choice, but an absolute requirement. Outpost24 provides a comprehensive toolkit to handle this new cybersecurity environment with the aforementioned solutions.

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