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Saturday, July 27, 2024

A Guide For Enterprise Marketers on Voice Search Optimization at Scale

Businesses of all sizes may find it difficult to optimize for voice search, therefore they require a plan that grows as well.

With smartphones, we have access to the entire world. People require both services and goods, as well as answers to their inquiries.

All of these things are easily accessible through searches, and voice search has recently become more popular.

According to statistics, enterprise marketers cannot ignore voice because:

In the United States, 33% of people utilize voice search.
Voice search is preferred by 71% of consumers.

Due to the vast amount of content assets that enterprises control, scaling voice optimization is a challenge. In this article, we’ll look at specific tactics and optimizations that will support your voice strategy, including schema markup, keyword research, site speed, FAQs, Google Actions, and more. Here’s how to start optimizing for voice searches, with a focus on enterprises.

Voice Enhancement 101
Guidelines For Voice Search Creation

To ensure optimization, marketing teams should meet with the content team or issue instructions describing the value of voice search optimization, including these keywords.

Businesses should already have SEO governance in place.

You will need to update your current governance and protocol for voice search, though. In fact, you should include entire sections that are devoted to voice.


Teams and content producers will inevitably make blunders.

It’s up to your protocols to identify content problems by carrying out in-depth content inspections.

material analysis should already be a part of your workflow procedures before material is published.

If not, you can include:

  • Thorough content review before posting.
  • Optimization analysis.
  • Comparing content to researched keywords and questions.

Redefine Your Keyword Research To Incorporate Long-tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords often have lower search volumes and are less of a priority for enterprises that target high-value and high-traffic keywords. However, voice search is natural and longer than just one- or two-word phrases.

Your pages need to answer questions (just like featured snippets do) and should include:

  • How do I use XYZ product?
  • How much do XYZ products cost?
  • How do I fix XYZ problem?
  • Where.
  • Who.
  • What.
  • Etc.

You must respond to questions that users of search are asking. Increase the use of long-tail and query keywords in your keyword research process.

Make methods and procedures so that internal and external SEO teams can include queries into the way you now create content.

Improve Mobile Experience And Site Speed

Mobile and assistant gadgets dominate voice searches.

Every business must prioritize mobile optimization with:

Designs that adapt.
rapid site loading.
Your team should run Google PageSpeed Insights on a regular basis to identify problems that are causing your site to load slowly and to speed it up.

Increase Your Business by Local Search Optimization

For local enterprises, local and regional optimizations are crucial.

More than 50% of individuals use voice search to find nearby businesses.

For instance:

Which Subway is the closest to me?
Which supermarkets are open nearby?
What drugstore is the nearest to me?
You should check the company’s listings on Google and other local directories.

Listings should always include brief summaries, photographs, and the business’s operation hours.

Complete listings make it simpler for customers to get in touch with you or visit your location.

Terms may also be more precise, as “car manufacturers in Detroit,” or they may include “near me” expressions.

To be successful when optimizing for local, a business must take into account local or regional lingo.

Your research teams should be familiar with regional colloquialisms and dialects that might be used in a search.

For instance, due to regional slang, [where can I get the greatest soda in Boston] will become [where can I get the best pop in Ohio].

In order to help content creation and search engine optimization teams fully utilize the potential of local voice search, internal teams should assist you in making these distinctions before entering new markets.

Contextual Master Schema Markup For Content

To make it easier for search engines to understand the content of a company’s website, schema must be used. To support voice search, review and apply the schema markup guidelines.

Here are a few pointers to help you master schema:

Start utilizing Google’s Speakable Schema (beta) for text parts that work best with voice search and Google Assistant.
Analyze data to learn about the terms and expressions that customers use.
To add schema, look for speakable snippets in both new and old text.
To improve context, approach your information from a conversational perspective.

When properly applied, schema markup can assist each site’s content gain context and improve voice search functionality.

Add FAQ Sections Into Key Pages

Remember how you need to add questions to your keyword research?

Finding ways to include questions on pages without obstructing the content’s natural flow can be difficult.

How do you get past this? Question and answer sessions.

Your pages can gain a lot from FAQs, and they can also start to help you with voice search optimization.

To start incorporating this, you could:

Conduct a thorough content assessment of the website(s).
Find blogs and websites where you can respond to queries.

Start including FAQs on the pages with the most potential and importance.
Since you’re optimizing for voice search, it’s essential to use conversational tones when responding to inquiries.

Start converting to conversational language.

Tone and consistency are concepts that content creators have heard about for years.

Across all sectors, the phrase “speak the customer’s language” is frequently used.

But there is a move toward a more conversational tone when it comes to voice search.

It turns out that most individuals don’t utilize their Google Assistant or Amazon Echo in the stuffy “business tone.”

The content teams must be on board with these changes, so make sure they are.

A brief meeting to emphasize conversational tones and perhaps to refresh writer briefs might make a significant difference.

An excellent way to adjust content to be conversational is to have:

  • Editors review all content.
  • Read content aloud.

Use Google Actions

Anyone attempting to optimize for Android devices may find Google Actions to be a significant benefit.

You’ll need to employ structured data if you plan to construct actions for your web content.

There are many excellent instructions on using actions for creation on Google:

  • FAQs.
  • How-to guides.
  • Media.
  • News.
  • Podcasts.
  • Recipes.

Google suggests utilizing a theme or plugin to incorporate schema, depending on the sort of content that is being published.

Teams should become proficient with Google Actions so they can appropriately optimize their content.

Actions will make it easier for anyone using an Android smartphone or the Google Assistant to find your content.

People are increasingly using voice search as their primary method of searching.

Traditional typed searches will always be available, but businesses and marketers should concentrate on the opportunities that voice search presents.

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