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Saturday, July 27, 2024

20+ Top Free ReactJS Admin Themes That Are Responsive 2023

A component-based toolkit called React is used to create user interfaces for online and mobile apps. You can create web components with React JS that you can utilize on different web sites. In the realm of front end development, it is one of the more recent libraries. The result of Facebook and R&D is React. Have you ever wondered how they are employed in production? Indeed, Facebook utilizes it in the online client for Instagram.

React makes use of the notion of virtual DOM (Document Object Model), which allows it to update only the relevant portions of the real DOM. React JS operates far more quickly in this manner than previous libraries. Because of its methodical approach, React JS is perfect for dashboards and admin sites. The admin pages operate far faster than usual thanks to the use of React JS.

We’d like to share some of the best responsive free ReactJS admin themes available online with you today in this post.

TailAdmin React – Tailwind React Dashboard Template

TailAdmin React - Tailwind React Dashboard Template


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Free Contrast Design Bootstrap React Admin Template

Free Contrast Design Bootstrap React Admin Template

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Material Dashboard 2 React

Material Dashboard 2 React

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Volt React Dashboard

Volt React Dashboard

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Material Kit React

Material Kit React

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Soft UI Dashboard React

Soft UI Dashboard React

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Notus React

Notus React

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Shards Dashboard Lite React

Shards Dashboard Lite React

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Minimal Dashboard

Minimal Dashboard

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Muse Ant Design Dashboard

Muse Ant Design Dashboard

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Sofia React Template

Sofia React Template

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Light Bootstrap Dashboard React

Light Bootstrap Dashboard React

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Purity UI Dashboard

Purity UI Dashboard

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Datta Able React Free Admin Template

Datta Able React Free Admin Template

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ArchitectUI React Dashboard

ArchitectUI React Dashboard

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Argon Dashboard React

Argon Dashboard React


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Corona React Free Admin Template

Corona React Free Admin Template

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Gatsby Admin Template

Gatsby Admin Template

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Star Admin Free React Template

Star Admin Free React Template

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Xtreme React Admin Lite

Xtreme React Admin Lite

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React Dashboard

React DashboardLive Demo               Download


React Admin

React Admin

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Tabler React

Tabler React

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React Reduction

React Reduction

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Material Dashboard React

Material Dashboard React

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RA Turbo React Admin

RA Turbo React Admin

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ReactJS AdminLTE

ReactJS AdminLTE



React Ui-Material Admin Template

React Ui-Material Admin Template

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ReactJS Director Responsive Admin Template

ReactJS Director Responsive Admin Template


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SB Admin v2.0

SB Admin v2.0



React Blur Admin

React Blur Admin

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React Material Dashboard

React Material Dashboard

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Administration dashboard template in React

Administration dashboard template in React



Airframe React

Airframe React

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React-Django Admin

React-Django Admin



Campaign Admin

Campaign Admin

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React Ant.Design Admin UIReact Ant.Design Admin UI

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React Adminlte Dash

React Adminlte Dash

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SB Admin v2.0 rewritten in React.js

SB Admin v2.0 rewritten in React.js



React Material Admin

React Material Admin

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Newband Admin

Newband Admin


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ReactJS Admin Template

ReactJS Admin Template

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ReactJS Shop Admin

ReactJS Shop Admin - ReactJS Admin Theme

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