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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Search Generative Experience (SGE) On Google Now Available in More Than 120 Countries

Google has expanded its Search Generative Experience (SGE) to over 120 countries and added new interactive features.

Google recently revealed plans to expand the use of generative AI in Google Search to more than 120 new nations and regions.

The Search Generative Experience (SGE) feature was previously limited to users in the US, India, and Japan.

With this update, SGE is now available for the first time in many other regions as well as Mexico, Brazil, South Korea, Indonesia, Nigeria, Kenya, and South Africa.

The update also adds support for four additional languages: Portuguese, Spanish, Korean, and Indonesian. This significantly broadens non-English speakers’ access to generative AI.

Google soon intends to add more languages to its support list.

Introduced are New Interactive Upgrades

Google is rolling out interactive upgrades to make SGE more conversational in addition to expanding access.
One new feature enables deeper topic exploration by enabling you to quickly ask follow-up questions straight from search results.

An additional update will highlight unclear terms in translations and let you choose the meaning you want. This uses artificial intelligence (AI) to reduce erroneous interpretations by providing useful context for English-Spanish translations that are launched in the U.S.

Highlighted definitions for specialized terms, such as medical and coding terminology, are among the other additions. You can rapidly view definitions and illustrations by hovering over these terms.

Does Google Search Have a Future With Generative AI?

The announcements show how committed Google is to generative AI as a key component of search’s future.

However, worries about the possible biases, inaccuracies, and transparency of AI systems continue. In order to gain the trust of users, Google needs to confront these issues head-on as technology develops.

For the time being, the expansion represents a turning point in the development of search toward more naturalistic two-way communication.

Enroll in Google’s Search Labs and select the experiment features you wish to use in order to activate SGE.

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