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Sunday, July 7, 2024

Italy and Pakistan Cooperate to Develop Pakistan’s Olive Industry

The Pak Olive National Gala is being held in Islamabad on the occasion of World Olive Tree Day in order to provide opportunities to explore the development of the olive sector in Pakistan. The Italian-funded “OliveCulture-Holistic and Multi-professional Mechanism for a Pakistani Olive Oil Value Chain” project and “Promotion of Olive Cultivation on Commercial Scale in Pakistan Phase-II” are organizing the event.

This unique occasion is not only an opportunity to learn more about the olive industry, but it also serves as a catalyst for the launch of the PakOlive Brand, which encourages customers to buy certified quality olive oil made in Pakistan. Developers of the olive sector, customers, companies, entrepreneurs, service providers, support organizations, investors, farmers, young people, women from rural areas, and the international community all attend the event.

As the chief guest for the event, Dr. Kausar Abdullah Malik, Federal Minister, Ministry of National Food Security & Research, honored the occasion and reaffirmed Pakistani communities’ dedication to promoting olive production. In addition to increasing olive production, this gives communities—especially women and young people—income opportunities. Additionally, he emphasized the necessity of having a sufficient policy to promote the rural development of the olive industry.

Speaking to the audience, Mr. Marco Marchetti, International Project Coordinator, OliveCulture Project, shed light on Italy’s role in developing Pakistan’s olive value chain. In order to create a national canvas (holistic mechanism) that will be customized to the needs of each province, he stated that our goal is to systematize and combine the outcomes of Pakistani and Italian initiatives that have been carried out in Pakistan thus far.

The audience was welcomed by Dr. Muhammad Tariq, National Project Director, Promotion of Olive Cultivation on Commercial Scale in Pakistan Phase-II, who also presented the multidisciplinary, holistic strategy for a Pakistani Olive Value Chain. He also emphasized the state of olives in Pakistan today and the unrealized potential of olive growing. According to him, Pakistan has been recognized as a country with favorable conditions for olive cultivation and will shortly join the International Olive Council.
The olive tree is a “hardy and evergreen tree” that thrives in most soil types, with the exception of areas with standing water and saline soil. It can be grown even in hilly regions because its roots do not go very far below the surface.

According to Salvatore Parano, Director of the Italian Trade Agency, Pakistan’s production of olive oil and olive cultivation is growing rapidly as a result of the government of Italy and Pakistan. As a result of these efforts, we anticipate that Pakistan will soon be exporting olive oil to Italy and the rest of the world.

This two-day event will also feature an olive oil organoleptic competition, with prizes going to the top twenty progressive olive farmers, three scientists for best field performance, best packaging, and best bottling for quality olive oil. The World Olive Tree Day Walk will take place after the event.

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