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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Google: You Can’t Learn How To Write By Using SEO Tools

John Mueller of Google responds to a query regarding whether or not to heed the recommendations of SEO tools.

John Mueller of Google responded to a Reddit user’s query, indicating that the user had some reservations about the recommendations made by the SEO tool.

The tool’s recommendations didn’t align with the SEO’s objectives.

Here’s the query:

“I write for and oversee the blog of a Vietnamese travel company that primarily serves travelers from Australia and the United States.

Due to the fact that Surfer SEO frequently displays instances of the accented version of some words (like location names, Quảng Bình vs. Quang Binh), many article H2s use the actual Vietnamese translations of these words.

Is it accurate to assume that since tourists are the intended audience, accent marks won’t be used in their searches, the accents shouldn’t be present?

Or does Google not seem to care about accent marks?

John Mueller of Google responded:

“Write for the head(ers), body, and mind in the language of your audience. Do your own research before depending on SEO tools to tell you how to write.

What Is Said in the SERPs?

Sometimes seeing what’s ranked there is helpful when researching what to do.

The search queries in the example above (Quảng Bình vs. Quang Binh) are typically the same with and without accents, with at least one accented site appearing in the accented version of the SERPs.

Using different browsers to check the SERPs is helpful. I use Chrome and the Chrome Canary browser to prevent personalization based on previous searches from affecting the results of a subsequent search.

I am aware that some users rely so much on their tools that they neglect to look at the real SERPs. The information in the tools and the SERPs don’t always line up.

Therefore, keep an eye on what the SERPs are doing and don’t solely rely on the information provided by the tool.

It might be otherwise.

Conduct Independent Study

Mueller did not advise against using the SEO tools. Don’t rely on them to tell you what to write, he simply said.

The software tools are determined by the SEOs who developed them and their level of expertise. And frequently, that is dependent on current trends, which can occasionally be helpful or not.

In the past, for instance, there were tools that suggested keyword densities, or the ideal number of times a keyword should appear on a page.

And up until it didn’t, that worked.

Some tools made it easier to scale up reciprocal linking initiatives; still others rewrote content and were effective until they weren’t.

The idea is that software is developed based on people’s opinions and their perceptions of what SEO was like at the time.

When it comes to SEO, the majority of viewpoints are based on what other people believe. Some viewpoints are a little strange, outrageous, or false. And some people outpace everyone else.

Seldom is there a single, widely accepted SEO rule.

This implies that you should always make the final decision using your own best judgment, regardless of the tool you use.

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